
Effectiveness, safety, customization, profitability – the diverse and complex requirements in drive and damping technology are constantly increasing and changing. How do development engineers approach them? What specific solutions do they create for different industrial and technological sectors? How are pioneering innovations successfully achieved that provide real added value? We discuss this and much more in our The Engineer's Blog.

Emergency Buffers for Ship Loaders: Thoughtful Design for Increased Safety and Efficiency

How RINGFEDER POWER TRANSMISSION implements a safe and maintenance-free end stop for a ship loader in Northern Brazil.

From the Invention to Earthquake Protection – the History of the RINGFEDER® Friction Spring

The history of the RINGFEDER® friction spring goes way back: from the first patent application, use in train bumpers, truck trailer couplings, and landing gears systems of airplanes up to advanced earthquake protection. Learn more about the most important milestones in this article.

Santa Claus Has Decided to Protect the Sleigh With RINGFEDER® Friction Spring This Year

Every year on Christmas night, Santa Claus secretly brings gifts to the children in the apartments and houses with his sleigh and puts them under the Christmas tree. Unfortunately, in the process, during the landings on the roofs, the load of the sleigh fully loaded with gifts regularly damages the supports of the skids. As a result, they have to be repaired at great expense, and there are delays in delivering the presents. To prevent this from happening again, Santa Claus has decided this year to protect the skids with dampers. 

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